Cockroach extermination specialists in Montreal

Cockroach Extermination Montreal


What do cockroaches look like?

Cockroaches are insects that have a distinctive appearance. They have a flat, oval body with very thin antennae and legs. Their color can vary from light brown to dark black, depending on the species.

They also have wings, although only certain species are capable of flight. Their wings are usually longer than their body and are folded flat over their backs when not flying.

Cockroaches are also known for their ability to squeeze through small cracks and crevices, and they have incredible resilience, being able to survive extreme conditions for extended periods of time.

Common type of cockroach


german cockroaches


American cockroaches


oriental cockroaches


striped cockroaches


Wood cockroaches


How to get rid of cockroaches?

Natural solutions that work for cockroach control

There are those who prefer to do without chemicals in their fight against insects. Fortunately, there are many methods to control cockroaches.

bay leaves

To avoid cockroaches, you can put these sheets in the entrances to your home. The smell of this plant is too strong for most insects.

Onion powder and boric acid

To make it, you need to mix half a small chopped onion, half a cup of flour. You also need to add water, sugar and boric acid to it. Then you put the preparation in a bottle. You make a small hole in the lid precisely in the corners where there may be cockroaches.


Like bay leaves, lavender can help you fight off these insects. You can place pieces of fresh lavender in places where there might be cockroaches. Its aroma is very strong. Although it may be delicious for humans, it makes cockroaches dizzy.

Sugar and baking soda

Cockroaches like sweets but it is not good for their health. If you want to eradicate them, you can prepare this mixture and place it in their favorite areas.


This trick may seem obvious to some but it works very well. Vacuuming our house once in a while helps reduce cockroaches.

Cold and heat

Cockroaches do not like extreme temperatures. A high temperature allows you to destroy them.

The solutions… less natural, but effective!

Here are some chemical methods that are effective for cockroach control:


if you have cockroaches at home, you can resort to sprays or sprays. They are effective when you see some insects. And they are also good for prevention. If you spray the entrance areas of the insects, they are less likely to enter inside our house.

Rapid insecticides

if you want to get rid of cockroaches very quickly, you can take insecticides. If you do, be careful with the quantities. For what ? Because these are toxic products that do not work with very large colonies.

Best in Montreal SOS-Extermination, cockroach, cockroach, cockroach, they drive the best pest control companies crazy. They are the number 1 nuisance targeted by our company.

But who are they really?

Cockroach extermination, With more than 4000 species, about thirty of them can be found in cohabitation with humans. The 5 most found in our homes are the German cockroach, the Oriental cockroach, the American cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach and the Australian cockroach.

The German being the most widespread in North America, it is easily recognizable. Cockroaches can measure between 1.1 and 1.6 cm (0.43 to 0.63 in) when fully grown, their bodies are oval and flat with long spiny legs. A tan to light brown body and two parallel dark streaks running from the head to the base of the wings. But rest assured, they don’t fly.

Where can we find them?

Cockroaches usually congregate in dark, hidden places where food, water, shelter, and warmth are readily available.

They are attracted to buildings because of the warm, humid conditions in kitchens, bathrooms, basements and plumbing areas. Their presence does not necessarily mean that unsuitable conditions exist.

They especially like to live in densely populated areas like warehouses, hotel rooms, nursing homes, and even hospitals.

Cockroaches lay their eggs on a variety of objects, including new furniture, food, empty beer and pop bottles, and shipping boxes that make it easier to transport them to your home. Once inside a building, they move quite quickly, quickly looking for a place to hide from your view. No one is safe from this pest.

What are they eating?

Coming out mainly at night, when most of us are asleep and unaware of their increasing activity, they will search for food. Cockroaches are attracted to food sources that contain starches, sugars, and proteins, but will eat almost anything when hungry.

Such as paper, fabric, leather, insects and dead skin, soiled clothing, and even the glue used to bind books.

Are they dangerous?

Cockroaches rarely damage structures. Harmless at first glance and quite repellent, they do not bite or sting, but can carry diseases and pathogenic microbes on their shell.

They inadvertently spread contaminants by walking and excreting on food and countertops after traveling through garbage and/or sewers.

People with allergies, asthma, weakened immune systems may have heavy or amplified symptoms caused by the residue their body forms as it breaks down. 20 to 48% of dwellings without visible activity present allergens due to their decomposition.

How can I get rid of cockroaches?

Many options to eradicate cockroaches are available with different effectiveness by type of treatment. A number of products are available to consumers to control cockroaches.

But intensive cleaning measures and pesticides must be used together to control this pest. Cleaning alone will not be successful, rigorous control with pesticides is necessary for the complete extermination of the cockroach.

Residual crack and crevice products are the most commonly used registered products for cockroach control.
If insect populations are high, fumigation (air spray) can increase treatment effectiveness by killing insects and asphyxiating them.
Baits (tamper evident containers) trap insects and kill them approximately 48 to 96 hours after ingesting the active ingredient.
Diatomaceous earth, a fine powder also known as silicon dioxide, is made up of crushed microscopic marine fossils. When insects crawl on the powder, their outer “skin” is scratched, causing them to dehydrate and die. Diatomaceous earth remains active as long as it is kept dry. It is non-toxic to humans and pets, but be careful not to breathe dust when applying this product.
Cleaning (Extermination of cockroaches)

Keep your home clean of pest infestations by preventing access to food, water, shelter, and heat.

Clean up spills immediately.
Vacuum often to remove food, dust particles, dead bodies and insect eggs.
Do not leave pets’ water and food outside 24 hours a day.
Store your food in airtight containers and close. Cockroaches can chew on plastic and cardboard and then lay eggs in it.
Regularly clean the counter, under and behind the appliances. Don’t forget dark and/or moist areas near any food source.
Don’t let the dishes pile up. If you can’t wash them right away, soak them in water and detergent.
Wrap or insulate pipes that have excess condensation. Repair leaky faucets and pipes.
Ventilate bathrooms and dehumidify damp areas to reduce water sources.
Watch out for any excess condensation around the pipes and wrap/insulate them. Leaking pipes and faucets should be repaired.
Freeze, vacuum, steam clean

Remove any food residue, dead cockroaches and eggshells by vacuuming regularly. Be sure to destroy any live insects left behind by soaking the vacuum bag in soapy water.

If you suspect toys, crafts, or furniture have been infested and are resistant to heat and humidity, you can steam clean them. You can also freeze contaminated items for a minimum of 24 hours at -8°C (17.6°F), but we recommend up to a week.

Traps (Cockroach Extermination)

We use sticky traps to monitor cockroach population and location so we know where to focus our efforts and ensure their nest is not elsewhere in the structure. Cockroach traps can also be purchased or easily constructed.

Build a trap by spreading petroleum jelly inside a small jar and blacken masking tape on the outside for grip.
Place a small piece of food (like bread) inside the pot.
Once a cockroach crawls, it will be unable to crawl out of the trap.
Cockroaches that have been caught can be killed in a bucket of soapy water, or by placing a lid on the jar and putting it in the freezer for at least 24 hours.
Seal hiding places and entry points

Sealing and caulking every crevice, crack and pipe gap will reduce roach hiding places and travel route. A fine mesh screen over open pipes, vents, drain and the largest cracks and crevices to block any entrance to your home.

place of duty
1. Montreal
South Center
St. Hubert
2. Ottawa

Advantages and disadvantages of our service (Cockroach extermination)
All our equipment is sterilized between each client.
At Sos-extermination, we use products from ecological sources.
No infestation is too widespread for our experienced teams.
No preparation is necessary, the furniture stays where it is!
No going out is necessary, stay in your comfort.
We have a precise calendar of sterilization times that we respect.
We also offer a 5 year extended warranty.
In high season, our places are limited.
If the infestation is significant, it may be necessary to go to neighboring homes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cockroaches are attracted to your home for a variety of reasons. This is how cockroaches get into your home:

  • Cracks and crevices
  • Holes in vents and pipes

Cockroaches enter your home for 4 main reasons: food, water, warmth and shelter. They are most often attracted by: dirty dishes, garbage, excess humidity, crumbs, animal food or cardboard.

Cockroaches are much more fond of dark, warm and humid places. For example the bathroom, the kitchen, the cabinets, the back of the appliances.

It has to do with the reproductive cycle. They keep coming back as they leave a sac of eggs before dying to reproduce. Cockroaches can also come back if you have too much food.

If you kill them, the risk is to spread the eggs everywhere. In fact, the female releases her egg sac before she dies. The secretion of aggregation of pheromones could also attract other cockroaches.